The Fisherville Area Neighborhood Association (FANA) is a non-profit corporation established in 2009. At that time, hundreds of people joined together to form a group that would represent the community’s interests, especially in guiding future development.
FANA is composed of individuals, homeowner associations and businesses in the defined area. An annual community meeting, open to the public, is conducted each fall. The program includes such topics as an annual report from the Board of Directors, discussion about current areas of interest, presentations by local and state government officials and comments and announcements from those attending.
During the annual meeting, Board Members are elected who provide accountability, approve changes in policies, bylaws and board membership, and elect officers. The Board meets at least quarterly.
Officers are elected by the Board to conduct the daily and financial operations of the organization. The Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer and Secretary make up the Executive Committee.
Board Meetings are held at least quarterly or more often if needed. Special committees or work groups are formed as needed to address current issues or areas of interest.